Khalaf Bus
Big BOss
Best Bus in Egypt
Best Bus in Egypt

The establishment of Khalaf Bus Factory for automotives assembly is the result of the concerted efforts that has begun early in 1995. The Factory is specialized in mini and midi buses, and other special purposes.
The Factory is set up in Obour City on surface area 16000 meters square; divided into four plants 4000 meters square each, equipped with the highest technical and human capabilities available. We have been keen to start where others have ended in this industry.
The company has produced the first of its designs for money transfer vehicles in 2018G. The company has various models and the possibility of different levels of protection according to the needs and requirements of the client in accordance with the conditions of peace and legal requirements.
The company offers through the possibilities of multi-purpose designs such as mobile restaurants, mobile maintenance workshops, mobile sales branches, inspection units and inspection units In order to provide the best service, the company designs specialized according to the requirements of customers through a special team for special design, taking into account all means of security and safety.